National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University



We have established MOT Alumni Association dedicated to the promotion of professional development and building a strong network among alumni around the nation. It also provides a wide range of opportunities, services and resources for IMOT graduating students.

The School's graduates are a living advertisement for the quality of the program, not only through their considerable accomplishments, but also because of the enthusiasm they express for their MOT experience.

Career Path

本所研究發展秉持理論與實務並重之原則,交大科管所著重於科技產業發展密切相關之領域。養成訓練係以培植科技管理碩士(MBA in MOT)為目標,交大科管所除紮根於一般企業管理的根本訓練,如生產管理、行銷管理、財務管理等知識建立,交大科管所更著重於高科技產業競爭以及新興科技趨勢的認識與瞭解。