National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University



The IMOT program heavily emphasizes theoretical and practical aspects of technology management. While earning an MBA degree with a specialization in MOT, graduate students are expected to not only become a knowledge worker but also learn fundamental knowledge in emerging technologies, management theories, and business skills – all of which are necessary to cope with the upcoming challenges of the rapid-changing international environment. Therefore, IMOT combines the school with industry and the government through cooperation with hi-tech industries, joint research programs, and lectures by qualified managers in the hi-tech field in order to equip students with theoretical and practical learning of technology management.
IMOT aims to equip students with technological expertise, global vision, and managerial skills. The unique features of the program are stated below:

1. Cooperation with hi-tech industries and education promotion program
  1. IMOT master credit program was established to offer an opportunity of advanced study for on job professionals in Hsinchu. In addition, in order to extend the cooperation of academia and industry, IMOT on job master program and Ph.D. program were also established. Therefore, the system of IMOT has completed in order to achieve the ultimate goal of leading academia, strengthening academic research, and educating MOT professionals.
2. Course Design
  1. The course design is divided into three major parts. The first part is basic courses. Students have to take ‘basic mathematics and quantity courses’ to be familiar with the common language of quantitative and deductive logic. Besides, students with science background have to take ‘basic management courses’, at the same time, students with arts and management background need to take ‘basic technology courses’. In addition, students all need to improve their foreign language skills. The second part is the course of ‘solving problem’ and the most important part, ‘basic research courses’. With the basis of the second part, one may move on to ‘learning and practice’ and ‘logic analysis’ in ‘the professional courses of MOT’. This course design is created by the concepts of how to ‘train the excellent professionals’ with ‘the highest proficiency in management and solving problems’ in the ‘shortest time’.
3. International Collaboration
  1. In response to the trend of globalization, IMOT seeks to broaden its global view in order to become one of the top MOT institutes in the world. Academia should not be only pursuing ‘localization’. On the other hand, in response to the globalization with the e-generation, technology industries in Taiwan need to be transformed and connected with the whole world through ‘global marketing’.
  2. Therefore, students within the IMOT program are encouraged to actively participate in graduate courses offered in our international exchange programs to broaden the students’ perspective on the latest development and trends in MOT. IMOT has held the exchange students programs with Tulane University in the United States and Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. This year (2002) two masters students from Chalmers University of Technology join our program. There are also Korean, Canadian, and South African students attending IMOT. In addition to the exchange program, IMOT also invites a few internationally distinguished professors to share the experiences in research and teaching. Students would be able to understand that different countries and different cultures would create different ways of thinking.
4. Library & Facilities for Teaching and Research
  1. IMOT integrates ‘humanities and technologies’. The books and journals collected at IMOT covers the fields of ‘technology, management, and humanities’. The school library and NYCU on-line library also extends the collections of the books and journals. In addition, every two IMOT master students share one computer. Each computer, with a LCD monitor to protect students’ eyes and save spaces, has access to the Internet and connects to the school library and E-journals. Research rooms are also available to Ph.D. students with more than one computer for research and study.
本所研究發展秉持理論與實務並重之原則,交大科管所著重於科技產業發展密切相關之領域。養成訓練係以培植科技管理碩士(MBA in MOT)為目標,交大科管所除紮根於一般企業管理的根本訓練,如生產管理、行銷管理、財務管理等知識建立,交大科管所更著重於高科技產業競爭以及新興科技趨勢的認識與瞭解。