National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University



Management of Technology, MOT, is a professional study which integrates engineering, science, and management. The study is applied in planning, developing, and establishing the skills of technology within an organization in order that the strategies and the purpose of the organization can be accomplished. In short, MOT is to explore how to manage and employ technology effectively.

This is a particularly relevant aspiration, in view of the transformation of Taiwan's manufacturing industry from labor-intensive production to a capital- or technology-intensive industrial base. This transition into high value-added manufacturing creates a soaring demand for multi-disciplinary engineers and managers who are required to effectively manage technical innovations and, ultimately, spur economic growth. In order to meet the needs of industry and government, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) combines the qualified scientists and students with valuable industrial resources from Hsinchu Science Based Industrial Park (SBIP) and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) to be the first in Taiwan to establish the Graduate Institute of Management of Technology (IMOT) at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in 1991. In responding to demand for such highly qualified personnel, the first MOT Master Credits Program in Taiwan was soon established in 1992, and the Ph.D. Program was additionally established in 2000 with the objective of bringing more professional managers into the hi-tech industry.

In the next few years, we will focus our efforts on the following directions:

1. International Collaboration

The IMOT program of NCTU will continue to actively participate in international student-exchange programs and research activities to cope with rapid-changing global environment and promote our international presence.

2. Expanding Resource Integration

We intend to continuously participate in regional resource-integration of technology management, thereby strengthening our strategic position within the high-technology hub of Hsinchu. Furthermore, by offering on-job study programs, IMOT intends to share the recourses in MOT with the communities and create a brand new future together.

3. Collaboration with Related Industry

Hsinchu Science Based Industrial Park (SBIP) and Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) are both in close proximity of NYCU, thereby placing the IMOT program in a unique vantage position to draw from such valuable technology sources. More specifically, the MOT program aims to provide students the current information and practical training in MOT by building a strong tie with Taiwan high-tech industries, the government, and industrial research communities.

4. Faculty

Positions for visiting professors are specially offered at IMOT. We invite international distinguished professors in order to keep the significant global influence on the environment of research and study at IMOT, as well as to equip students with global view, research, and management skills.

本所研究發展秉持理論與實務並重之原則,交大科管所著重於科技產業發展密切相關之領域。養成訓練係以培植科技管理碩士(MBA in MOT)為目標,交大科管所除紮根於一般企業管理的根本訓練,如生產管理、行銷管理、財務管理等知識建立,交大科管所更著重於高科技產業競爭以及新興科技趨勢的認識與瞭解。